Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Wet in wet -small watercolor study

Mixing complementary colors using wet in wet technique. The yellow was wet. The purple was thick on brush. The result looked interesting.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Quick sketch-Buffaloes on the horizon

Had such a pleasant drive through the Petaluma-Tomales bay area pastures today. Here's a quick mini sketch of buffaloes on the horizon.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Mini doodle- Paisley

Doodling on a mini postit.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Mandala variations

One more quick art using the app Drawerings. The is very easy to change the look of a few lines into different uniquely beautiful patterns through the settings.

6 mirrors
10 mirrors

20 mirrors
50 mirrors

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Knife painting with acrylic on a 4" by 12" wrapped canvas. I started with blue and white to show my student how to work with a knife. 

After my student left, there were some extra colors left over on the palette, so I used a knife to create some interest and texture.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Doodling giraffes

A trip to the zoo meant coming home and drawing animals! Helping kiddo understand how to draw giraffes. We talked about front and back(hidden features, shorter back legs), overlaps and sizes.

Below is what she made!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Starting anew!

Restarting my art everyday resolution! Let's see how far I go this time :)
I have spent the past two years working with cake art or paper art but haven't logged much. Here's to a new start!

This super quick artwork is made using the app "Drawerings". Very basic interface but one can create stunning results! I drew a few lines randomly and then through the setting, changed the mirror count. Its amazing to see how the same picture responds to additions of mirrors.
2 mirrors
10 mirrors

24 mirrors
50 mirrors